Men Away to Hill Lane

In this match we were forced to change the line up. Given that recent results seem to suggest that avoiding relegation is more pressing that achieving promotion, we went with the plan of playing the best two players together. So Tim and Dave B were the A team. Which means that the two new players drafted in, Dave R and Doug, were playing together.

Here is my version of the match score spreadsheet. It differs slightly from the one submitted to the league in having better stab at getting the players names right.

Tim writes….”Congratulations to Douglas on making his league debut in last night’s match away at Hill Lane. With a low sun causing problems, the match finished in a rare draw, 43-43.”

So the plan sort of worked. And well done to the B pair for grafting away for 7 games worth of points.

Dean Cross Playing Fields, Plymstock,
Plymouth. PL9 7AZ