Finals Day 2023

The weather forecast for Sunday 17th December was for heavy rain and thunder. When the day arrived it turned out the forecast was totally correct. People were asked to come to the club anyway, if only to discuss when the matches could be rescheduled, which they dutifully did. One very good thing to note is that our newly resurfaced courts drain very quickly. No puddles. At some point in the afternoon, people felt it was better to try and get a couple of matches underway. Not that it had stopped raining but some of the ladies were suggesting that people were made of stronger stuff in the winter league.

Here’s the mens doubles match in the rain

..and here are the ladies playing, to say the least, under a cloud.

Mens Doubles

This match was between Dave Bate and Pete Brownlow vs Mark Skerton and Adam Clynch. Dave and Pete won the first set and had match points just as the rain was really hammering down. However Mark and Adam didn’t buckle merely for the chance to dry off and won the second set on a tie break. The match was settled in a champions tie break. Score 7-5 6-7 10-5.

Ladies Doubles

This was between Margie Johnson and Vicky Roberts vs Nicky Slight and Jane Williams. The result was a win for Margie and Vicky : 6-4 6-3

Watching from inside a dry club house with food !

So the finals day was underway and we were relieved to have finished some of the matches. The plan was then to have the mixed doubles. Given the need to get a move on, Dave Bate and Steve decided they could play the mens singles finals in parallel. There was a problem that Dave was soaked through and wanted a change of gear. Fortunately he lives near the club and, after a slight delay where his opponent, who is also the match secretary wondered if he could be disqualified, Dave returned and he and Steve took to the court.

Mixed Doubles

This was between Jess Randell and Dave Williams vs Nicky Slight and Brian Morgan. Your correspondant was playing in the mens final and nobody thought to take a picture of the mixed doubles action. Jess and Dave won 6-1 6-4

Mens Singles

Again, no pictures ! This was between Dave Bate and Steve Maller. Often the mens singles final is somewhat one sided but this year the first two sets were shared and the decider, a 10 point tie break, was also close. The score, Dave won : 3-6 6-3 11-9

Ladies Singles

The players were the same as last year, Nicky Slight and Jess Randell. It was a closer game than last year and much closer than the score suggests. Score Jess won 6-1 6-2

Prizes !

The cups for the doubles events had run out of space for engraving, so we have bought some new ones for this year. Dave B was called to work ! Hence he was hastily given a cup for his part in the mens doubles and for the mens singles. Rather informal and then he had to run. In a more calm manner here is Dave’s partner, Pete, receiving his mens doubles cup.

And, below, the ladies, Margie and Vicky …

The camera never lies. We must have had a little bit of blue sky, late in the day

And Jess (also winner of the ladies singles) with Dave her partner in the mixed.

Dean Cross Playing Fields, Plymstock,
Plymouth. PL9 7AZ