Rain Stopped Play

The match on Monday 10th June vs Ivybridge ‘C’ was called off after about an hour due to heavy rain. Neither pair had completed a match so the scores do not count. It will be rearranged.

Friend for Free Friday

Friday 14th June from 6pm ’til late.

Do you have a friend who might like to come and see where we are and have a go at some tennis?

On Friday 14th June 2019 we are holding a ‘Bring a Friend for Free Friday’. Anyone who has come before is invited to bring a friend (or friends !) to the club to just have a social knock-up. Free. Anytime from 6pm until the sun goes down.

Why not bring some nibbles and drink along with you and make an evening of it?

Any questions, ask Jess/Anne (contact 0747 829 604).

Match Report : Yelverton

I’m getting reports of a good performance on Monday 3rd June. Seems like the first pair won two sets (the second one a long tie-breaker after reaching one set each). Well done guys ! Also the second pair won quite a few games, if not sets.

Two more points amassed !

Match Report : Mannamead

Mannamead ‘B’, away, 15th May 2019

We played this team last year in division 2 and were well beaten. We were surprised to see them relegated with us. Hence the expectations were not very high. The result was 8 points to them, 1 point to us. In other words we scored at set, which is an improvement on last time.


Rain and shine

Tuesday’s regular* rusty rackets session had people cheerfully playing in the rain…

* We play each Tuesday from 6pm. All equipment provided. £2.50. Just turn up.

Whilst on Saturday it was bright enough that I felt the need to stand at the end of the court where the sun was behind me when I was taking the picture…

Match Report : Ivybridge

On Thursday 2nd May the club’s team travelled to the South Devon Tennis centre to play against the Ivybridge ‘C’ team.

This was the first match of the new year and the good news is that we have some points. Our number one pair lost 2-0 to the Ivybridge first pair but won 2-0 against the Ivybridge second pair.

The number two pair didn’t fare so well but should be thanked anyway. We maintain our record of managing to field a side even when many players realise they are going to be outclassed.

Dean Cross Playing Fields, Plymstock,
Plymouth. PL9 7AZ