Windy Evening for Ladies at Looe

A very windy day and a long way to drive. The ladies had a little difficulty finding four players who could leave on time in order to get to Looe not long after six. You will see from the scoresheet that Jess and Pam managed full points by winning the third set tie breaker twice.

The score was Looe C 51 Plymstock 41

Season opens with Men home to Saltash

The 2023 season began with a good result. Our A team were Tim and Mark and they won all their sets. That said it was a very close battle against the first pair from Saltash (Sam Tucker and Martyn Hall) and the second set required a tie-breaker, played in the fading light.

Our second pair were Dave B and Steve, who managed a set against Sam and Martyn but lost the third set tie-break. Both our pairs found the Saltash second pair a lot easier and no sets were dropped against them.

The points were Plymstock 64 and Saltash 29

Ladies Monday Moves to Afternoon

Given there are no parking restrictions after 1pm, the Ladies session has moved from the morning to the afternoon. If you arrive before 1pm then, in theory, you will need to enter your registration details on the machine. Court 1 is booked for the ladies but court 2 remains free.

League Tennis Guidance 2023


If we are at home, try to get someone to the ground a little before 6pm and open up the gates. If away then aim to arrive about six. Let people know if you will be late, we will usually be able to sort things out. If visitors have a hard journey then arriving any time before 6:20 is quite normal. There are rules for arriving too late. We need only claim such penalties if it becomes impossible to play a game before it gets dark.

Have a contact phone number for the opposition and share our best contact number for the evening. We may need to discuss, for example, the weather.

For home matches: ensure we have two tubes of the special league match balls. Put the scoreboards out by the courts. Share details of use of club house with opposition. For example, whatever refreshments we have provided, use of the kitchen, location of the toilets. As a minimum we should try to have some squash available. A few nibbles are nice too. Have a paper version of the scoresheet suitable for writing on.

For all matches : ensure we know the league supplied registration keys for each player. The definitive files of such keys for men and ladies are available on the P and D website along with most other such documents one might need. Also, perhaps more readable, there is a list of player keys at the end of this webpage. The keys will need to be entered next to the players names on the match scoresheet.

Match Format

Two pairs from each side will play doubles matches – hence four “events”. Each event will be the best of three sets. The first two sets will have tie-breaks at 5-5. If the first two sets are shared the third set will be a 10 point tie-break.

Decide which pairs are numbers one and two. The visitors can then decide which courts their pairs prefer and which pairs play each other first.


If two events are completed then whatever points have been achieved will count and the match will not be replayed. If two events have not been completed then the entire match will be replayed.


It is always nice to have some pictures for the website. Action shots and player-line ups especially. It is very desirable that a picture of the scorecard is taken. This can be used to sort things out later if we have trouble with the technology or someone forgets to submit the spreadsheet or whatever. Also it is a quick way to share news with the club.

Scoring and finishing up

Get the players names and keys written down right at the start before things get too busy. Keep track of the scores after each event finishes. Write down the games for each side. One point is awarded for each game won in the first two sets plus six points for the winners (either two sets to love or winner of the tie-break.) At the end work out the bonus points, total up each sides points, get opponents to check your work and/or check their work. At the end take a picture of the scorecard. You can WhatsApp it to the whole club or just email it to Steve (for the website.) For the league, if you are comfortable sending the spreadsheet then transcribe from the paper version and email to and copy in Steve (and Jess for the ladies). Instead you may let Steve or Jess do that bit.

Player Keys

More players, such as those joining the club, can be added


PKM01 Ian Cload
PKM02 Maurice Sebastian
PKM03 Peter Brownlow
PKM04 Phil Hughes
PKM05 Steve Maller
PKM06 Tim Randell
PKM07 Dave Bate
PKM08 Dave Roberts
PKM09 Mark Skerton
PKM10 Douglas Langford
PKM11 Adam Clynch
PKM12 Brian Morgan
PKM13 Jack Morgan
PKM14 Craig Hirst
PKM15 Chris King
PKM16 Joshua Cowell


PKL01 Debbie Bauckham
PKL02 Dylys Bradshaw
PKL03 Pam Cam
PKL04 Wendy Horswill
PKL05 Anne Hughes
PKL06 Margie Johnson
PKL07 Karen Johnstone
PKL08 Clare Law
PKL09 Jess Randell
PKL10 Liz Ray
PKL11 Vicky Roberts
PKL12 Nicky Slight
PKL13 Jane Williams

British Summer Time

We are now on a summer schedule. The Wednesday club sessions will start later at 4:30pm. We hope that this means there will be lots of people playing later, in particular so one can get there after work.

Rusty Rackets is coming back soon. It will run from May to July, starting at 6pm on Thursday evenings. £5 for non members.

Mens practice will be shifting back to Friday evenings, start approximately 6pm (worth swapping a few WhatsApp messages to confirm numbers and the best start time.)

There will be a practice session for the ladies team at 6pm on Tuesdays

Improvers (for members) is still going at between 1pm and 3pm on Thursday afternoons.

League Fixtures 2023

P and D League Results and Match Reports 2023


Players – Tim Randell (TR), Dave Bate (DB), Steve Maller (SM), Mark Skerton (MS), Chris King (CK), Dave Roberts (DR), JM (Jack Morgan)

Day Date Fixture Players PTLC
Monday May 1st Saltash A Home TR MS
64 29
Tuesday May 9th Devonshire B Away TR DB
51 44
Monday May 15th Ivybridge C Home DB CK
63 33
Monday May 22nd Newton and Noss B Home DB CK
72 13
Monday June 5th Tavistock C Away TR SM
69 25
Monday June 12th Saltash A Away CK SM
48 45
Monday June 26th Devonshire B Home TR DB
37 53
Thursday July 6th Ivybridge C Away TR MS
53 37
Tuesday July 18th Newton and Noss B Away DB CK
72 20
Monday July 24th Tavistock C Home TR SM
70 26


Players – Jess Randell (JR), Pam Camm, Anne Hughes (AH), Jane Williams (JW), Nicky Slight (NS), Vicky Roberts (VR), Debbie Bauckham (DB), Karen Johnstone (KJ),
Clare Law (CL)

Day Date Fixture Players PTLC
Wednesday 3rd May Looe C Away JR PC
41 51
Tuesday Postponed to
23rd May
Saltash A Home JR NS
59 28
Tuesday 16th May Tavistock D Home JR NS
58 30
Wednesday 24th May Tavistock C Away JR AH
36 51
Monday 5th June Menheniot B Away JR NS
43 45
Tuesday 13th June Looe C Home JR NS
63 26
Monday 26th June Saltash A Away JR NS
46 46
Sunday 9th July Tavistock D Away NS AH
72 28
Tuesday 18th July Tavistock C Home JR AH
41 41
Tuesday 25th July Menheniot B Home AH VR
22 70

Court Maintenance

We expect the revamp of the courts to start with some pressure washing on Monday/Tuesday February 20th/21st.

The courts will be playable after that until we get a date for them being repaired and painted, in spring sometime.

All of this is weather dependant. More details at the AGM.

AGM 2023

The AGM for this year will take place in the clubhouse on Thursday March 16th at 7pm. We aim for it to last no more than one hour and in doing so hope as many members as possible will come along.


1. Apologies.
2. Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.
3. Matters arising.
4. Adoption of accounts.
5. Match Secretary’s report.
6. Chairman’s remarks.
7. Election of Officers and Committee.
8. Rules.
9. Juniors.
10. Tournaments and matches.
11. Subscriptions and other fees.
12. Pavilion and courts.
13. Social events.
14. Any other business.

Christmas Party

We tried holding our Christmas event in the clubhouse this year. Friday 16th December. The club house was decorated, tree, walls, ceiling, lights, the full works. There was food and music and quiz and games and cocktails.

If asked, I would say, lets do it again next year.

Dean Cross Playing Fields, Plymstock,
Plymouth. PL9 7AZ